How I learned to love running.

My friend Attica posted on her facebook page, "Who wants to do the Tough Mudder with me?"  I had no idea what the Tough Mudder was but I did see another friend post something on her wall where she said " I am one Tough Mudder"  So i replied back immediately "I'm in".  

I had no idea what the Tough Mudder was.  I didn't even google it, or do any research.  I just wanted to hang out with my friend who I had met in Tokyo when we were both living there.  Years have gone by and its hard keeping in touch with everyone so I thought, why not.  

So I rode my bike from Chinatown to the arc in Prospect Park.  I have to admit, I hated running.  I hated doing cardio.  I am the grip it and rip it type of person.  I like weight training, I love doing pull-ups but I would make a stink face when I looked at all the cardio bunnies in the gym.  But there I was getting ready to start my Tough Mudder training with a run!  

Attica the one who roped us all in to do the Tough Mudder said, "I want to hang out with my friends and see everyone but every time we get together we are either going for a drink or grabbing dinner.  I wanted an excuse to see my friends where we weren't drinking or eating, so I thought why don't we do this."

So there we were at 10am on a warm Sunday morning in August.   We started our training with a 2 mile run.  We all probably ran the slowest 2 miles ever.  Not sure but a 18-20 min mile.  None of use could even run continuously and we had to stop several times along the way.  But it was a start.

To my surprise I felt great.  I wound up looking forward to our weekly Sunday morning run with friends.  Instead of going drinking on a Saturday night or drinking a bottle of wine over dinner,  I found myself drinking plenty of liquids getting to bed early and waking up sprinting on my bike over to prospect park. I felt great after the runs and the rest of my week went so smoothly too.  I had tons of energy and just felt alive.  

At the end of October I was in Chicago speaking at the DIY Musicians Conference teaching musicians how to take better photos.  It was my 2nd night of deep dish pizza and I felt horrible. The women sitting across from me said she is going for a run the following morning.  She was training for a half marathon and I asked if I could join her.  

We ran along the waterfront in Chicago and it was beautiful. I got to know this singer songwriter from north east better, we stopped and took touristy photos along the way and to my utter disbelieve we ran 8-9 miles with no problem.  We had only been training once a week and in less than 3 months I was able to enjoy a long run?  What? Have i just become a runner?  OMG I couldn't believe that I actually enjoy running!  

I am externally grateful to my friend Attica for introducing me to the Tough Mudders.  I have since ran 2 and will probably run a few more and I may even do a Spartan Beast?  I also I decided to run my first marathon on the great wall of china!  More on this later but please subscribe to my newsletters and post any comments or feedback.  I would love to hear from you! Namaste.


Fitness Is The New Black - article in


What's a fitness blog doing on a photographer's website?