Final usage of photos - sizing & formats

You've spent the hours finding your photographer, shooting and now what do you do with all those photos?

Before you shoot you really need to think about the final usage of all the photos you take.  How are the photos going to be used?  What format are they going to be in?  The reason for thinking about his is you have to know how to compose the photos to fit the different common formats for photo usage.  

For example for your facebook fan page you need a horizontal or landscape image that cuts out 2/3 of the height of most digital photo sizes.  That is a 3:1 ratio on the image.  If you have 5 band members you don't want one person's face not in the image.  You also need a profile image that is square or 1:1 ratio.

So to help the DIY musicians and solopreneurs, I have included a PDF of common final usage of photos with the formats and minimum sizes.  

Any questions or comments please write them below and I will try and address some of them in future blog post.


Better photos = More gigs!


Eye Catching Visuals: How To Get The Best Band Photos Ever